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research agency中文是什么意思

用"research agency"造句"research agency"怎么读"research agency" in a sentence


  • 研究机构


  • Although there are other databases , news agencies , research agencies , and aggregators , they are expensive and not comprehensive
  • What the internet has done is to empower the consumer through s , says paul marsden of the research agency clickadvisor . com
    营销研究机构clickadvisor . com的保罗马斯顿paul marsden说: “互联网的作用,就是通过博客论坛和网站赋予了消费者权力。
  • The number of diagnosed cancer cases will more than double between 2000 and 2030 , primarily in poor countries , a united nations research agency has said
  • Ausralian bureau of agricultural and resource economics ? research agency providing economic policy analysis and forecasts to enhance the competitiveness of australia ' s agriculture , mineral , energy , and forestry industries
用"research agency"造句  
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